Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I am Back

hmmm.. dun really feel like bogging anymore.. dun feel like doing anything..
dunno what to say.. sad... :(
Just have this to say..
Father Lord.. i am your son.. i love you Father.. i know you are always there for me.. n i believe that what ever happen in my life is part of your great plan for me.. For you love all your children. Lord pls guide me . i need you Daddy.. i pray that you will hold me close to you Father.. n be there for me in all the things i do.. let me do it for you not for myself... because i know.. when you are the center ... nothing Will ever go wrong.. God.. Father ..Lord.. i love you .. thank you for all the blessing n plans you have for me. ..


Anonymous said...

Blog. I am your faithful reader


Anonymous said...

Your Father knows the things you need of before you ask of Him. Matthew 6:8
soak up His love. =)