Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Everything is over... BUT I AM NOT READY FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TOday yt go for their syf.. n they came back with a Silver... i would like to thank Father for every thing he did for ytwo.. n also.. i know.. greater n better future awaits the band..
but.. i just dunno why i am so depress.. i know for sure is not because of the results .. as i felt that the band plays well today..n most importantly.. we all did our best.. n with the help of the lord.. we manage to get back a silver.. i believe that this silver is a high one.. well done band..!!!
NExt for my beloved sisters in the Flute section... I love all of you girls.. all of you makes me..
time pass too fast i feel.. every time when we are together.. i guess the reason why i am so Emo.. is all because.. i cannot let go.. i am going to miss the seniors in the section.. really.. esp PIGGY..
really have to take some time for me to let go.. hai..
ZHU ZHU.. promise me that you will be back k.. n got chance eat dinner together huh??? =.=.
sod sod.. :(
for the sec 4 leaders.. i really want to thank all of you for the respect n support you give me.. n i hope all the sec 4 will not leave the band with any regrets.. N MOST ImpORtANTly.. study hard yah n smart too.. i wish to see next year O level result top student all or most come from the band..
YTWO.. I LOVE YOU....!!!!!

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