Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Fast one.. Hehehe

ok.. this will be vary short.. today the 3rd day in Japan liao.. (Nagoya by the way) tomorrow will be going off to ToKyo.. hai.. though that it will be a holiday for me.. but NOT LOH!!!!!!! found out that this trip is to go for a international convention of some Japan product.. but never the less i still get to see alot of this lah..
the air here is very cooling.. the most important thing is the people here are all very very nice.. they greet you every where you go.. SO NICE!!! if only Singapore will be the same...
O neeed to go liao.. anyway.. SIS.. sorry lah.. cannot find the things that you want yet... and also every thing is so X here.. i spent more then $80 (sing) just on the things that zhu zhu want.... hai... i will still try my best to get it lah k.. hehe.. Flute section.. i miss you girls alot.. hmmm.. take care k... see if can meet for dinner on sat... ;)
Father i want to thank you for the blessing of this trip.. i know what you want from me liao....

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