Thursday, April 5, 2007

Back From Sailing !-)

Hmmm... just came back from sailing.. then rush down to sunplaza to meet my sister, piggy n jas.. took a cab again.. wah liao.. $21 gone again.. i think i really neeed to start to learn to save...
hmmm.. but nvm .. i think is worth the money.. because seeing them really makes me happy n distress lah... haha if you ask me why .. hmmm i also dunno.. they just seems to be able to take away my stress for a while.. THANKS GIRLS!!! REALLY GREAT TO HAVE YOU GIRLS AS FRIENDS. HAHA
Then now about the 2days 1 night sailing.. hai.. dunno what to say lah.. i think i have been spending too much time in yt liao .. forget totally that i still have to work..
have not been doing my best in cooking for 1 month liao.. too tired n keep on worry for the com..well this will happen every 2 years.. hai..
my friends ask me why.. i just say is my passion i think.. even if it means to give every thing i have to help them i will.. haha .. is just what i love to do bah..
i hope when the com is over i will concentrate on my work bah... n also to start teaching the next batch of flute section...
God.. Father .. pls help me to plan my time properly.. n bless the section jr to be able to listen to me n practise when we starts the sectionals after the com.. lastly.. bless ytwo com batch. to have lots of rest n less stress from the school n family..
Father thank you for all your blessing n help you give to me all this while.. i love you Daddy.. you are the best that i can ever ask for...

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