Friday, June 22, 2007

THinGs that MaTters to me!!

Well.. the same thing again.. have been very busy.. n sailing n sailing.. haiz..! next month on.. will be even worst. .. every week sail for 2 to 3 days.. haha.. but ok lah.. kind of like the part where i get to see the big sky full of stars.. n just me n the sea... ( way to get off this busy world ) hehe..
ok .. there are a few things that really matters to me.. the first is my family.. my mum n dad n my brothers... my dad Now is in the USA... trying to find job there.. dunno if things will go well for him.. i pray that it well .. hmmm.. anyway.. my dad just call me 2days ago.. telling me alot of things.. it seems to me now.. that he really want me to go US with him after i finish my navy service.. (seems to have very high hopes that he can bring me there.. ) N to study n work in the US.. hmmm i am not very sure yet..
then... YTWO is also another thing that really matters to me.. i really wish that this band can do very well.. that the friends(student) can grow up n become somebody in the future.. we have lots of clever people .. but how to get them to love the band... i really am trying ,doing all i can for this to happen.. anyone? can give me some good suggestion on how to go about getting a group of youth together.. how to have them love what they are do????
i need some help here... thanks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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