Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I think i am losing it!!

just finished cooking.. keep on thinking about how to go about making the lesson in ytwo more interesting n how to teach every thing in such a short time.. hei..
totally no mood to cook at all...
I feel that cooking is a form of ART...you really need to be in love or in the mood in order to cook a great meal.. if not willing to cook or not in the mood.. every thing will be bad!!!!
i dunno lah!! just cannot find the "WANT" thing anymore..
just now started out without knowing what to cook.. so just get anything i can find n just cook.. turn out to be bad i feel.. but lucky enough have time to change the end product..
haha.. thank God.. it turn out well.. hmmmm..
I really feel that Father sent a angel to me.. because every time the food that i cook always turn out well.. maybe not great.. but still good to eat. hehe...
but for now.. i really need a break to find back the "FEEL"( cooking )..
Anyway the end product is:
Steam Onion Pork Rib Rice w Oyster source..
Stir fry CHI XIN with mushroom
Deep fried spices Fish with cumin
Leek n Onion Chicken Soup
Fresh Cuts of Sweet Melon...

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