Monday, June 4, 2007

IS good OR bad?!!

same thing every time..
dun have alot of time to blog.. hai..
NVM.. a fast one will do..
today i just started to go to gym again.. trying to find some time for the weights.
Getting Fatter.. anyway that is besides the point..
as i walk home.. i was thinking.. is very funny.. since last week i have stop thinking of wanting her to be my girlfriend liao.. or should i sAy.. i am no more interested in having one...
the thing is.. i have never have this feeling before.. not sure if it is good or bad.. but there is a missing piece of puzzle in me.. i use to want to find it.. but now.. no more.!!!!!!!
not that it is found.. but i just am not interested anymore..
Work , Study , YTWO n FLUTE SECTION is all i have in my mind.. nothing more then that..
( Hannah sis.. take care of yourself k.. get well soon.. dun let me worry about you.. i pray that Father will take away all your sickness n bless you with a healthy mind n body.. n also happiness n joy..)
good night.. zzzzZZZzzz ....ZZzzz

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