Monday, June 11, 2007

COM DoWn!!!!!

ah.. this pass few days got so much to say.. but cannot blog.. because my computer is down.. dunno what happened..guess was because my brother keep on loading games into it...
now is still not working loh..
i am using the com in my camp now.... hei!!!
anyway.. where should i start... hmmm.. maybe just talk a little about my work first..
last week i went for a boarding team training.. haha i pass it.. lucky.. well i am proud to say that now.. i am not only a chef on my ship.. but i am also a boarding party.. ( have to put on the bullet proof vase n the M 16..)
then .. i spent my week end in YTWO again... well i dunno why.. but each time i go back .. i get more n more in Love with the band.. the leaders the people .. everything..wanted to do so many things with them.. teach them every thing i know... n is really no words i can find to describe how i feel...
why i am only able to teach them on sat.. why??!!!! So wish that i have more time.. more free..
that when they have practise i am there also.. just really enjoy every moment being with the band .... maybe not all of the band mates like to see me.. haha i dunno.. but.. i just cannot stop thinking of the band..
almost every day .. i would be thinking .. how to be a better teacher... how can i make the students fell in love in playing in the band.. how to change those that have attitude problems .. how to teach them to become a better person.. SO MANY HOW TO HOW TO!! HOW TO!!
right now.. how i wish that i have not sign on... how i wish that i am out of here.. studying... working in the hotels.... (i just pray n wish that this two years in the navy will pass even faster..)_

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