Thursday, August 9, 2007


ah well .. have not been blogging for weeks liao... haha.. really am tried n busy with work n study.. hmmm.. a friend of mine just went over sea to work.. FOR 2 YEARS!!!!! ahhhhh
i am going to miss her like crazy loh.. hmmm..MMM
time flies really fast .. really..
still do miss ytwo .. but after reading some of their blogs.. haha.. guess they are really doing very well.. YTWO.. JIA YOU!!!
as for me.. my family seems to have big problems .. but non of them want to know.. haiz.. nvm..
well i just do what ever i can loh.. haha.. after all.. this is already my best.. nothing more that i can do mah.. pray that God will do the rest bah..
anyway.. i started to change alot of my thinking .. on life.. haha.. n also on who should i go out with.. hehe.. it seems to me that i am much more happier now.. but still lonely lah..
How i wish that i will meet my right girl soon.. haha.. to share my happiness n joy.. n to be with me when i am down.. hehe...
ah yoh.. nvm.. is just a dream for the time being.. as for now.. is work n study that is the most important.. N ALSO NEVER FORGETTING.. LORD, GOD, MY HEAVENLY FATHER.. hehe

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