Saturday, July 7, 2007

Sailing Sailing N SAILING!!!!!

HAIZ. just came back from sailing again.. guess the busy sailing days are back again. every week with out fail.. next week sailing for the whole week again..hmmm..
again again again...
i am really starting to get sick of what is happening.. i dunno if i can carry on like this.. i really love to do what i am doing .. but with him always keep changing his mind .. never fail to push every bad things, that happen, to others..( in the first place , is he who wanted it that way ,most of the time .if not all!!)ME having to keep silents.. is just not me.. i really dunno if i am doing the right thing or not.. really wish that i can be like last time.. just with my sisters..
really want to tell him that i dun think i am fit enough to be. or should i say i dun like the way he do things.. ( just not right to me)... n just want to be like the pass..
i pray that Father. will give me a guide on this.. should i drop it n carry on to do my part OR keep going on..
Sisters.. i need some words of advice from you all.. thanks..

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